All years
Aug 01, 2019

CCU Civil Servants Payroll for Decent Work and Economic Growth

To promote UN SDG 8 goal for,Pay all staff and faculty at least the living wage, defined as the local living wage (if government defines this) or the local financial poverty indicator for a family of four (expressed as an hourly wage), National Chung University has implemented the following policy. <p></p>
Decent work and economic growth
Aug 01, 2019

Union Branch (CCU/NHU) for Decent Work and Economic Growth

To promote UN SDG 8 goal for,Recognise unions and labour rights (freedom of association and collective bargaining) for all, including women and international staff, National Chung University has implemented the following policy. <p></p>
Decent work and economic growth
Aug 01, 2019

CCU Gender Equality Education Committee Conference for Decent Work and Economic Growth

To promote UN SDG 8 goal for,Have a policy on ending discrimination in the workplace (including discrimination based on religion, sexuality, gender, age), National Chung University has implemented the following policy. <p></p>
Decent work and economic growth
Aug 01, 2019

Professors Payment Standards for Decent Work and Economic Growth

To promote UN SDG 8 goal for,Measurement or tracking pay scale gender equity, National Chung University has implemented the following policy. <p></p>
Decent work and economic growth
Aug 01, 2019

Civil Servants Payment Standards for Decent Work and Economic Growth

To promote UN SDG 8 goal for,Measurement or tracking pay scale gender equity, National Chung University has implemented the following policy. <p></p>
Decent work and economic growth
Aug 01, 2019

Project Specialist Payment Standards for Decent Work and Economic Growth

To promote UN SDG 8 goal for,Measurement or tracking pay scale gender equity, National Chung University has implemented the following policy. <p></p>
Decent work and economic growth
Aug 01, 2019

Professors Grievance for Decent Work and Economic Growth

To promote UN SDG 8 goal for,Have a process for employees to appeal on employee rights and/or pay, National Chung University has implemented the following policy. <p></p>
Decent work and economic growth
Aug 01, 2019

Staff Grievance for Decent Work and Economic Growth

To promote UN SDG 8 goal for,Have a process for employees to appeal on employee rights and/or pay, National Chung University has implemented the following policy. <p></p>
Decent work and economic growth
Aug 01, 2019

Technical and Maintenance Workers Grievance for Decent Work and Economic Growth

To promote UN SDG 8 goal for,Have a process for employees to appeal on employee rights and/or pay, National Chung University has implemented the following policy. <p></p>
Decent work and economic growth