Open up the path of organic vegetables and find the traditional integration of green and silver

The Epoch Times
Jan 30, 2020
No poverty

Huang Yuchen came to Wantan Village, Zhongpu Township, Chiayi County following the research project of teacher Chen Yujing, and guided the community to establish a meal base for the elderly, and also assisted in the development of community vegetable gardens. Huang Yuchen said that community volunteer Chen Chunyin donated his abandoned land to let the elders grow vegetables, and the harvest from the vegetable garden was used for the elderly to eat together. With the active participation of the elders, there were too many vegetables to eat. Huang Yuchen felt that it was a pity that the vegetables were not finished, so he came up with the idea of helping to sell them so that there would be some income to give back to the community without wasting.


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