This spring, there was a big outbreak of the Rosy Trumpet Tree, and National Chung Cheng University was no exception. The elders of the “Minxiong Boss Moving Class” came to the yellow-flowered tree to have a picnic with the new foreign residents, and walked on the campus and picked up garbage. The new nternet celebrities in the Rosy Trumpet Tree season. This elder outdoor shooting activity was planned by the Chang Gung University of Science and Technology's Social Responsibility Practice Program. "Diversity in Chiayi and Cultural Integration: The New Resident Community Deep Cultivation Project", in cooperation with the Minxiong Health Center and the Health Communication Team of the Department of Communication in Chung Cheng University brought the elders into the campus, dressed up through the image consultant Zou, Yun-zhen. Each elders turned into a young girl, a boy, and performed charm under the Rosy Trumpet Tree road with yellow flowers, and all of them instantly became an Internet celebrities. This events have also added a lot of lively and happy atmosphere to college campuses.