2020 Slashie Social Security in the Gig Economy for Decent Work and Economic Growth
Aug 01, 2019
To promote UN SDG 8 goal for,Have a policy on ending discrimination in the workplace (including discrimination based on religion, sexuality, gender, age),National Chung Cheng University has worked on the following research.
College of Social Sciences
Aug 01, 2019
The Fair Labor Standards Act Orientation of Project Specialist for Decent Work and Economic Growth
To promote UN SDG 8 goal for,Recognise unions and labour rights (freedom of association and collective bargaining) for all, including women and international staff,National Chung Cheng University has held the following SDGs activity.
Middle-Aged and Aging Elderly Employment Analysis for Decent Work and Economic Growth
To promote UN SDG 8 goal for,Have a policy on ending discrimination in the workplace (including discrimination based on religion, sexuality, gender, age),National Chung Cheng University has worked on the following research.
Professors and Civil Servants Payroll for Decent Work and Economic Growth
To promote UN SDG 8 goal for,Pay all staff and faculty at least the living wage, defined as the local living wage (if government defines this) or the local financial poverty indicator for a family of four (expressed as an hourly wage), National Chung University has implemented the following policy.