Canoe Experience in Marine Ecology Education for Life Below Water
Aug 01, 2019
To promote UN SDG 14 goal for,Support or organise events aimed to promote conservation and sustainable utilisation of the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers and marine resources,National Chung Cheng University has organized the following workshop.
Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture Interview for Life Below Water
To promote UN SDG 14 goal for,Offer educational programme or outreach for local or national communities on sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism,National Chung Cheng University has held the following SDGs activity.
To promote UN SDG 14 goal for,Have an action plan in place to reduce plastic waste on campus,National Chung Cheng University has held the following SDGs activity.
Plastic Products Limitation Policy for Life Below Water
To promote UN SDG 14 goal for,Have an action plan in place to reduce plastic waste on campus,National Chung Cheng University has held the following SDGs activity.