Foothpath Design for Sustainable Cities and Communities

Aug 01, 2019
Sustainable cities and communities

To promote UN SDG 11 goal for,Prioritise pedestrian access on campus, National Chung Cheng University has established the following facility.


General Affairs Division


May 17, 2019

YA-CAT’s production: Dear God

This activity provides people who want to know more about theater or who are interested in performance an opportunity to perform on stage, and understand how to perform by their own body, voice, and acting. Through drama, it brings some inspiration of life to students, teachers of CCU, and local people, and comes alive the artistic atmosphere.

Sustainable cities and communities
May 18, 2019

Nan-Kun-Shen Temple Cultural Visit

From pilgrimaging of Zhen-Tian-Fu to Nan-Kun-Shen Dai-Tian-Fu, we can learn about the religious life of Feng-Shou villagers, and observe the religious rituals and the decorative arts of temples.

Sustainable cities and communities
Aug 01, 2019

Campus Crosswalk for Sustainable Cities and Communities

To promote UN SDG 11 goal for,Prioritise pedestrian access on campus, National Chung Cheng University has established the following facility.

Sustainable cities and communities