Green and Silver Fun - Wooden Ball Fun Competition and Tobacco Hazard Prevention Publicity Activities

Nov 11, 2022
Good health and well-being

Elders from neighboring communities are invited to participate in activities with students from our school. In addition to enhancing exchanges between youth and banks, students also promote health awareness of tobacco hazard prevention through tobacco hazard prevention posters and interactive games designed by the students.


Aug 01, 2019

Good health and well-being
Aug 01, 2019

Tobacco Control Regulations for Health and Well-Being

To promote UN SDG 3 goal for,Have a ‘smoke-free’ policy., National Chung Cheng University has provided the following lesson.

Good health and well-being
Aug 01, 2019

School Clinic for Health and Well-Being (free)

To promote UN SDG 3 goal for,Provide students access to sexual and reproductive health-care services including information and education services., National Chung University has implemented the following policy.

Good health and well-being