Nature Observation and Documentation

Nov 10, 2022
Life on land

Through classroom training, outdoor nature observation, and photography records, this course allows students to recognize the wild birds, tree frogs, and their habitats that live in the area around the school.


Aug 01, 2019

Sustainable land management for Life on Land

To promote UN SDG 15 goal for,Support or organise events aimed to promote conservation and sustainable utilisation of the land, including forests and wild land,National Chung Cheng University has held the following SDGs activity.

Life on land
Aug 01, 2019

Campus Swans in Tranquil Lake for Life on Land

To promote UN SDG 15 goal for,Have policies to ensure that food on campus is sustainably farmed,National Chung Cheng University has held the following SDGs activity.

Life on land
Aug 01, 2019

Community Vegetable Garden Creation for Life on Land

To promote UN SDG 15 goal for,Have policies to ensure that food on campus is sustainably farmed,National Chung Cheng University has held the following SDGs activity.

Life on land