USR University Social Responsibility Project: When I Hold Grandma’s Hand—Local Care Youth and Silver Symbiosis Project

Nov 15, 2019
Quality education

Advocate local aging, use neighborhood elders as a medium to combine community elders and school students, regularly hold themed youth-bank exchange activities, learn together, and exchange skills through interest-matching, so that the creative thinking of young people and the experience of elders can be passed on. new spark. Let the elders feel needed and a sense of belonging, and increase the conversation between the elders and their families. Through sharing topics, letting children accompany their elders is no longer just one-way listening or assistance, but getting along with each other freely like friends.



Jun 03, 2019

Indigenous Peoples Week - Gathering for "Original"

Quality education
Aug 01, 2019

Library Regulations for Quality Education

To promote UN SDG 4 goal for,A policy that ensures that access to these activities is accessible to all, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability or gender., National Chung University has implemented the following policy.

Quality education
Aug 01, 2019

Ching Jiang Learning Center Course Regulations for Quality Education

To promote UN SDG 4 goal for,A policy that ensures that access to these activities is accessible to all, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability or gender., National Chung University has implemented the following policy.

Quality education