The activity is in the form of a small-scale achievement presentation, with groups as the main performance units, and one group will perform at a time. The performance is given priority to group performances, and there are also a few individual performances. We adopt a voluntary registration system. Members can decide their own performance groups. If they want to dance in a group, they can find a performance partner to form a group, and if they want to dance individually, they can form a group by themselves. In the process of forming a group, on the one hand, it promotes mutual familiarity among members, and on the other hand, it also allows members to think about their own performance forms. In addition, for the freshmen who try choreography for the first time, we will arrange cadres to each group to assist them in completing their own performances. It is hoped that through this activity, every member can gain choreography skills and experience. The order of performances on the day is arranged by the staff after sorting out the list.
This activity provides people who want to know more about theater or who are interested in performance an opportunity to perform on stage, and understand how to perform by their own body, voice, and acting. Through drama, it brings some inspiration of life to students, teachers of CCU, and local people, and comes alive the artistic atmosphere.