The Campus Building Regulations for Affordable and Clean Energy
To promote UN SDG 7 goal for,Have a policy in place for ensuring all renovations or new builds are following energy efficiency standards, National Chung University has implemented the following policy. <p></p>
Technical and Maintenance Workers Grievance for Decent Work and Economic Growth
To promote UN SDG 8 goal for,Have a process for employees to appeal on employee rights and/or pay, National Chung University has implemented the following policy. <p></p>
On-Campus Solar Energy Equipment Established for Affordable and Clean Energy
To promote UN SDG 7 goal for,Have a policy in place for ensuring all renovations or new builds are following energy efficiency standards, National Chung Cheng University has established the following facility.<p></p>
New Technology Design for Water Testing (free )
To promote UN SDG 14 goal for,Offer educational programmes on fresh-water ecosystems (water irrigation practices, water management/conservation) for local or national communities,National Chung Cheng University has held the following SDGs activity. <p></p>
Activity Center Solar Energy Equipment Established for Affordable and Clean Energy
To promote UN SDG 7 goal for,Have plans to upgrade existing buildings to higher energy efficiency, National Chung Cheng University has established the following facility.<p></p>
Center for General Education-Green Building Lesson for Affordable and Clean Energy
To promote UN SDG 7 goal for,Provide programmes for local community to learn about importance of energy efficiency and clean energy, National Chung Cheng University has provided the following lesson. <p></p>
Mr. Lin, Alumni of CCU, Cross Through Sahara Desert for Clean Water and Sanitation
To promote UN SDG 6 goal for,Support water conservation off campus,National Chung Cheng University has built a global partnership as follows. <p></p>
Campus Environment Monitoring for by Drone for Clean Water and Sanitation
To promote UN SDG 6 goal for,Support water conservation off campus,National Chung Cheng University has worked on the following research. <p></p>
Toliet Sanitation Management for Clean Water and Sanitation
To promote UN SDG 6 goal for,Utilise sustainable water extraction technologies on associated university grounds off campus., National Chung University has implemented the following policy. <p></p>
Pumping Motor Application for Clean Water and Sanitation
To promote UN SDG 6 goal for,Utilise sustainable water extraction technologies on associated university grounds off campus., National Chung Cheng University has established the following facility.<p></p>
Public Art for Sustainable Cities and Communities
Green Energy for Clean Water and Sanitation
To promote UN SDG 6 goal for,Utilise sustainable water extraction technologies on associated university grounds off campus., National Chung Cheng University has provided the following lesson. <p></p>