Student Daily- Life Guidance
In order to assist economically disadvantaged students, and those who encounter sudden family changes to study with no concern, National Chung Cheng University offers students tuition and fee reduction or exemption, underprivileged student aid plan, and school loan processing according to the Ministry of Education policy.In addition, the school provides appropriate funding for student education. School Affairs Office of Life Affairs Section, implements support programs such as "Student Life Grants", "Free Accommodation for Low-income Households", "Emergency Assistance Funds", and gives priority to on-campus accommodation for students with special difficulties, etc. After the establishment of the "Indigenous Student Resource Center" of our school, we actively assist the daily-life guidance of aboriginal students.
Academic Freedom for Sustainable Cities and Communities (free access)
To promote UN SDG 11 goal for,Provide public access to buildings and/or monuments or natural heritage landscapes of cultural significance, National Chung Cheng University has established the following facility.<p></p>
Hydropower System for Clean Water and Sanitation (global)
To promote UN SDG 6 goal for,Cooperate with local, regional, national, or global governments on water security.,National Chung Cheng University has organized the following workshop. <p></p>
CCU Advanced Teaching
In order to provide an advanced and intelligent teaching environment for teachers and students, we established various special laboratories and digital course recording areas, etc. So as to continue to complete the teaching assistant systems, we push the education in AI, program language, robot self-learning, and innovation start-up business, etc. to fully complete intelligence teaching and learning system as well as to create the areas that suit for teaching and learning. Meanwhile, our school encourages teachers to form interdisciplinary professional groups (e.g. MOOCs courses, digital and online materials, VR teaching materials) and to employ innovative teaching methods (e.g. problem-based learning, communicative language teaching, and flipped teaching) to promote quality of teaching. Besides the professional knowledge learning in departments, we cultivate students to be capable in main abilities, innovated in entrepreneurship and career development potential by providing students complete general education, multiple foreign language courses, and the courses like implementation, topic subject, and fieldwork.
Traffic Information for Sustainable Cities and Communities
To promote UN SDG 11 goal for,Measure and set targets for more sustainable commuting (walking, cycling or other nonmotorized transport, vanpools, carpools, shuttlebus or public transportation, motorcycle, scooter or moped, or electric vehicles), National Chung Cheng University has established the following facility.<p></p>
The Dormitory Committee for Sustainable Cities and Communities
To promote UN SDG 11 goal for,Provide affordable housing for employees, National Chung University has implemented the following policy. <p></p>
Campus Lake Water quality Purified for Life on Land
To promote UN SDG 15 goal for,Have water quality standards and guidelines for water discharges (to uphold water quality in order to protect ecosystems, wildlife, and human health and welfare),National Chung Cheng University has held the following SDGs activity. <p></p>
Plan A Renewable Energy Education Teach Area for Affordable and Clean Energy
To promote UN SDG 7 goal for,Provide programmes for local community to learn about importance of energy efficiency and clean energy,National Chung Cheng University has organized the following workshop. <p></p>
Extension Education Training Results
Ching Jiang Learning Center is committed to promoting lifelong learning for adults, adopting learner-centred teaching features. According to different age groups and market needs, we design competency-oriented and future-oriented various training and growth courses and provide multiple and flexible training channels, including credit classes, non-credit classes, labour promotion, and government-commissioned courses.
The Purchases of Local Agricultural Commodities for Responsible Consumption and Production
To promote UN SDG 12 goal for,Have a policy on ethical sourcing of food and supplies, National Chung University has implemented the following policy. <p></p>
Millennials Chances And Challenges for Affordable and Clean Energy
To promote UN SDG 7 goal for,Provide programmes for local community to learn about importance of energy efficiency and clean energy,National Chung Cheng University has organized the following workshop. <p></p>
E-learning Outcome
With the support and guidance from the Ministry of Education and government agency, CCU has upgraded school e-learning and developed many e-learning courses for intramural and extramural.